Golgotha The place where Jesus was crucified (2)
During the lifetime of Eusebius Helena, the mother of Constantine, declared the new location of Golgotha at the place which she claims the LORD revealed to her. However Eusebius never gave in his writings any recognition of her claim. In his work 'Onamasticon' Eusebius made the following statement concerning Golgotha:
Golgotha. Place of the skull where the Christ was crucified. It is pointed out in Jerusalem north of Mt. Zion. Eusebius Onomasticon Section C The Gospels.
Mount Zion in ancient times was located on the same mount which today is called the city of David. At that time this mount was referred to by Josephus as being within the old wall of Jerusalem. This vicinity was called in his days the upper city, and was adjacent to the lower city, which extended as far south as the pool of Siloam. In the days of Hezekiah however the wall extended only as far south as the Hezekiah tunnel.
The two mounts directly north of Mount Zion are Moriah and JHWH Jireh, also called Golgotha. Certainly Eusebius was not referring to the Temple Mount as being Golgotha, so it could only have been JHWH Jireh, the mount looking like the top of a skull.
The very first time I went through the Lions gate Jesus spoke to me in a special way, similar to how he spoke with me on the day of my conversion. I had come to Israel to baptize a woman in the Jordan river, who for forty years had been a believer, having been sprinkled as an infant, but had never been baptized as Jesus had commanded; fully immersed as a result of believing the message of Salvation and repenting from sin.
It was Friday afternoon on the 5th of June, 2009. We were sitting on a bench at the base of the Mount. I heard his words inwardly very clearly, 'I want to show you something'. So I told those I was with, 'I must leave you for a time. But I will be back shortly'. Then the LORD directed me up the steep southern slope of Golgotha. As I was climbing, the Lord said, 'This is Golgotha.'
I am convinced that there is a reason that the Lord told me where Golgotha is located. For many years I have done research on the sacrifice of the Red Heifer, which is a shadow of the crucifixion of Jesus, containing in itself even the smallest details (see my bood on the Mystery of the Red Heifer). The ashes of the Red Heifer were mixed with living water and then sprinkled on the unclean with hyssop by a clean man. The unclean were sprinkled on the third and the seventh day and on the seventh day, the unclean person would wash his clothes and be fully immersed in water. By doing this, he would be clean as the sun would set and could enter the courts of the Temple.
And the clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean on the third day, and on the seventh day: and on the seventh day he shall purify himself, and wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at evening. Num 19,19
This is a shadow of baptism. Those who receive the third day sprinkling are those who receive the message of those sent to preach the gospel as they proclaim the death (the ashes) and resurrection (applied on the third day) of Jesus. The clean man is a saint of the living God sent to preach the gospel. And the hyssop is the gospel. Only these people who receive their message come to the seventh day, i.e. the day of their second sprinkling (message concerning entering the covenant), their cleansing of the clothes (repentance) and their immersion (baptism by immersion). If not all of these requirements were fulfilled, the priest required that the complete purification of seven days would be repeated. Whoever rejected this purification could not enter the temple (heaven - the kingdom of God) and would be cut off from God's people. (Damnation)
In this way the Lord fortold the requirements of a valid baptism. First, the person must believe those sent preaching the gospel concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus. (The third day sprinkling) Then the person is instructed in the requirements of the new covenant, to follow Jesus as a disciple. (The seventh day sprinkling) Then the person must confess their sins and repent. (The clothes washed on the seventh day) And finally the person is fully immersed in water. (Baptism by immersion). The person then resurrects with Jesus (we partake in his eighth day resurrection) and we receive the forgivness of sins. (We are clean) Now our names are written in the book of Life and we have entered into the Kingdom of God. (We can enter the temple courts)
But the man that is unclean, and does not purify himself, that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation, because he has defiled the sanctuary of the LORD. The water for impurity has not been sprinkled upon him; he is unclean. Num 19,20
Those who do not believe the gospel and are not immersed cannot enter the Kingdom of God and are condemned.
The one believing and being immersed will be saved; but the one not believing will be condemned. Mk 16,16
This is the reason that the Lord told me where both Golgotha and the site of the Red Heifer are located. He wishes to restore baptism, and with it communion and the complete foundation of his glorious Church.
And they that shall be of you shall build the old waste places: you shall raise up the foundations generation for generation, and you shall be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isa 58,12
In this way the Lord fortold the requirements of a valid baptism. First, the person must believe those sent preaching the gospel concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus. (The third day sprinkling) Then the person is instructed in the requirements of the new covenant, to follow Jesus as a disciple. (The seventh day sprinkling) Then the person must confess their sins and repent. (The clothes washed on the seventh day) And finally the person is fully immersed in water. (Baptism by immersion). The person then resurrects with Jesus (we partake in his eighth day resurrection) and we receive the forgivness of sins. (We are clean) Now our names are written in the book of Life and we have entered into the Kingdom of God. (We can enter the temple courts)
But the man that is unclean, and does not purify himself, that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation, because he has defiled the sanctuary of the LORD. The water for impurity has not been sprinkled upon him; he is unclean. Num 19,20
Those who do not believe the gospel and are not immersed cannot enter the Kingdom of God and are condemned.
The one believing and being immersed will be saved; but the one not believing will be condemned. Mk 16,16
This is the reason that the Lord told me where both Golgotha and the site of the Red Heifer are located. He wishes to restore baptism, and with it communion and the complete foundation of his glorious Church.
And they that shall be of you shall build the old waste places: you shall raise up the foundations generation for generation, and you shall be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isa 58,12
Rebuilding the Ancient Foundation.
The LORD is today no different than he was two thousand years ago. Jesus came to make disciples and as he finished his calling on this earth, he committed the continuation of making disciples to the eleven. Have you ever considered becoming a disciple of Jesus? Do you wish to be one of those who seeks first the kingdom of God? Are you willing to live for Jesus and the sake of the Gospel? Then I must ask you, Have you been immersed in the name of Jesus Christ upon the confession of your faith? Did you make the bapismal oath of receiving Jesus as Lord of your life before being immersed in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And if so I beseech you to be faithful to your baptismal oath and live to fulfill God's will for your life.
God Bless u all my Beloved Friendzzz... <3
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