Israel Sea of Galilee Tabgha Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes Mark 6:41.

Background: Tabcha (Ein Sheva) is a place in the north-west section of the Sea of Galilee which is blessed by seven springs. The area of Tabcha (Ein Sheva) was one of the best places in the Sea of Galilee for fishing. Some of the seven springs are warm sulfuric springs, such as Ein-Nur and Ein-Ayub (Job's spring). This caused the fish to gather here, especially in the cold winter months, and so were an easy catch for the fishermen. The waters from the springs were delivered to the fields and villages around using aqueducts. Near the springs there are pools that were used to raise the level of the water in order to deliver them via the aqueducts. The waters were also used for powering water based bread mills. The last bread mill worked here until 1948. The site is an important pilgrimage place: according to the tradition, Jesus performed here two miracles: first feeding of the ...