Ancient Lands and Their Current Names

Have you ever read some of the places in the Bible and wondered where they  were located, today?
It only takes a few moments to realize there are places mentioned in the  Bible that we cannot find on a map, today. Over the years, these places  have changed names. You can tell how some of them have changed because they  still look a little or sound a little like their ancient names. However,  some of them don't look or sound anything like the original names. Please find below a list of ancient biblical countries and their current names. 
Below that list there is a list of ancient cities and where they are  located. Please refer to this list as you study God's Word. Feel free to print it and use it as needed. Inevitably, you will find ancient lands in the Bible  and want to know where they are today.

The Ancient Country or People The Current Name or Region
Ammon, Moab and Edom     Jordan
Arabia Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and some of Iraq and Jordan
Aram  Syria
Assyria  Iraq
CanaanNorthern Israel and Southern Lebanon
CushEthiopia and some of Sudan, Somalia and Yemen (and possibly more of Africa)
DecapolisNorthwestern Jordan and a small part of Israel
Dedan and ShebaSaudi Arabia
Magog, Rus and RoshRussia
Meshech and Tubal  Turkey
MidianWestern Saudi Arabia and Southern Jordan
Phoenicia Lebanon
PersiaIran and some of Iraq
Phut/Put   Libya and some of Egypt and North Africa
ScythiaSouthern Russia
TogarmahParts of Turkey, Turkomen, Turkestan and Armenia
TarshishCarthage (and possibly even Great Britain)

The Ancient CityThe Current Location
AlexandriaMediterranean coast of Egypt
AntiochNorthwest Syria (Coastal) - present day "Hatay"
Athens, Berea, Corinth, Philippi and ThessalonicaGreece
CyreneNorthwest Libya
Ephesus, Pergamum and SmyrnaWestern Turkey
Haran and Padan-aramEastern Syria
Iconium and LystraCentral Turkey
ShinarIraq - Ancient Babel and present day "Babylon"
Sidon and TyreWestern Lebanon (Coastal)
TarsusEastern Turkey
UrSoutheastern Iraq


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