Tomb of Nimrod discovered ISTANBUL Ongoing excavations and research at Nimrud Mountain in Bitlis have revealed the history behind the tomb and treasures of King Nimrod. The real venue of the tomb, which was constructed 2,000 years ago, has been determined. Writer and researcher Mehmet Törehan Serdar said his team has determined the location of the tomb after an extensive period of research. Noting that the mountain in Adiyaman has no relation to the mountain in Bitlis, Serdar said, “This is only a resemblance in name. The reason being, there is another kin of Adiyaman’s Nimrod in Nemrut.”King Nimrod, according to the Book of Genesis and the Books of Chronicles, was the son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah, and the King of Shinar. He is depicted in the Tanakh as a man of power on earth and a mighty hunter. Extra-biblical traditions associating him with the Tower of Babel led to his reputation as a king who rebelled against God. Several Mesopotamian ruins were given Nimrod’...
Have you ever read some of the places in the Bible and wondered where they were located, today? It only takes a few moments to realize there are places mentioned in the Bible that we cannot find on a map, today. Over the years, these places have changed names. You can tell how some of them have changed because they still look a little or sound a little like their ancient names. However, some of them don't look or sound anything like the original names. Please find below a list of ancient biblical countries and their current names. Below that list there is a list of ancient cities and where they are located. Please refer to this list as you study God's Word. Feel free to print it and use it as needed. Inevitably, you will find ancient lands in the Bible and want to know where they are today. The Ancient Country or People The Current Name or Region Ammon, Moab and Edom Jordan Arabia Saudi Ara...
List of Biblical places are real . @ List of modern names for biblical place names. While the main Biblical place names like Jerusalem, Athens, Damascus, Alexandria, and Rome have been used for centuries, some have changed through the years.
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